Saturday, November 7, 2009

Celebrity Gossip

Aaminah Haq One of the true Pakistani Fashion celebrities Aaminah Haq proves her patriotism by participating in the GPO protest.

She didn’t allow any of her pictures to be publicized. The reason of not coming in front of any camera is that she belongs to the certain lifestyle of Pakistan and don’t want to relate it with the fundamentalist Government. She wants to maintain a balance in her personal life and public life. As like every other citizen she also want to enjoy her freedom to speak & to act in any way she wants.

According to Aaminah Haq people from every walk of life should contribute their part in this national cause; instead of sweeping it under the carpet. She articulated that we are living in our own little plastic bubbles; we go to expensive shopping malls and even we go abroad to enjoy our holidays. We also really need to deal with this case as well and should solve it for our own sake. Particularly it’s important to take part in this cause for those who belong to media in any way; as artists seem to have the nation’s ears. So we should do something good for the betterment of our country; no matter in our own respective creative fields.

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